Friday, February 9, 2007 - Images For Your Page!

I love Starbucks, evidently I am not alone. This morning while waiting in line at the drive thru I witnessed what could only be labeled "Blonde Soccer Mom Almost Attacks Other Starbucks Addict", or something like that. So, I am patiently waiting in line to place my regular order (Grande Non-Fat Cinnamon Dulce Latte, No Whip). As I look at the car behind me I see a man rolling his window down and talking to a person in another car. Being the nib-nose that I am, I turn the radio off so I can hear what is being said. A blonde, normal, mom looking woman is screaming and cussing out her window at the man behind me that he cut her in line, because he evidently did not follow the "drive around the building to get in the drive thru line" rule because he pulled in from the back entrance. Of course, he being a manly man couldn't just let her do all the yelling, so there they both are trying to yell over each other. Me being the wonderful "feel the love" person that I am was trying to get my door open so I could explain to the two Starbuck Lunatics, that it was too early in the morning for this type of outrage and really all it is, is coffee! I guess I could have just screamed it out of the window, but that would be just as crazy as them, right? But by the time I finally got the door to open, the blonde drove off...Now please tell me, if you are going to go through all that trouble why give up the fight? I really felt like I could have helped them with their anger. Honestly though, after this incident I truely feel like Starbucks is like Crack. Look what it does to people that can't get there hit!!!


Wendy said...

You are nuts, but I can see you trying to play peacemaker with the "buck-heads". Get it? Crack-head...Starbucks...buck-head? I crack myself up!

Wendy said...

SPF is Stuff Portrait Friday. It is a blog game. Go to Random and Odd's blog on Monday or Tuesday for the on Friday. Look for her blog under "Blogs I Lurk On" or click on Kristine in the SPF post for the link to her blog.

Wendy said...

What happened? I og out of town so you stop blogging?!!????