Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Willow Branches

Recently, I came across a print of "Willow Branches" by photographer Bill Schwab as seen in the 1st picture. I fell madly in love with the mystery and beauty I saw in the photograph. I bought it for dirt cheap at Michaels and now I need to pick two others to hang along with it (2 more because you have to hang in odd numbers and my print isn't big enough on the wall by itself)! Please tell me which other two prints you think fit the best with "Willow Branches". I love that I have found a photographer that I can say is my favorite...it makes me feel so grown up!!!


Wendy said...

Number 3 and number 5. I say this to keep with the foggy thing going on in the willow print, which by the way, I love too. They are all nice but I think if it were me I would stick with a sort of theme.

Glad to see you FINALLY put something on here! I was getting tired of looking at Cabo already! Don't want to get tired of it before I get to go there!

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

I think I'd go with numbers 5 and 6; I like the way the lines complement one another--the willows vertical, in #5, the line cuts diagonally through the middle, and in #6, the lines are horizontal. I don't think you can wrong, though, as they're all wonderful--great find!

Alida Sharp said...

what beautiful photos... I would have to have them all!