Saturday, March 10, 2007


What is your usual bedtime? Do you like that, or would you rather it be different?

I try to go to bed by 10 pm but it never works or if I do actually get to bed by 10 pm I can never seem to sleep! I hate not being able to sleep and I wish I could go to bed and be asleep by 11 pm.


When it comes to advice, do you give more or receive more?

It seems that I give more advice...I think people are drawn to me for some reason.


Describe a memorable meal you've had.

Wednesday, Kyle and I went to see Cirque du Soliel and then went to Ruth's Chris afterward because he wanted a "good" steak. The food was awesome, but what really made the meal memorable was that we sat in a booth next to eachother instead of across from eachother. My friends and I always make fun of people who do that because what is the point really...I never understood it, but it was actually a great way to enjoy our meal and eachothers company! (Gag Me)

Main Course

Name a work of fiction that affected the way you think about something.
This is hard...I'm not really sure of anything right now.


What is your favorite type of fruit juice?



Wendy said...

Gagging away about the coziness in that booth! Who is Kyle? Cirque in Indy?

AJ said...

Kyle is the barber...i've been with him for a long while now. Cirque du Soliel "Delerium" came to Conseco Fieldhouse.

AJ said...

Hey...its not like I was on his lap or anything... it was strictly PG! Thanks!!! AJ

Wendy said...

People dating think a long while is longer than what married people think it is so what does a long while mean? I think I remember you mentioning a barber now that I think about it and if you were on his last I wouldn't only be gagging I would be blowing know I have a PDA complex. Mike has a bigger one, go figure. Anyway, made me think of when I rode in the truck with Mike and Jayke and had to sit over next to Mike...again...gagging.