Saturday, August 4, 2007

Saturday Meme

Thanks to Wendy, I have a meme to post...

1. Last weekend, I was thinking that _____.
2. If the weather continues like this, _____.
3. Will my _____ ever grow?
4. Often, on a summer's night, I think _____.
5. Right now, I could use a good strong ____
6. My favorite summertime meal is _____.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!

1. Last weekend, I was thinking that my grandma is so very particular and I am not even sure she really even knows what she is looking for (we were shopping for furniture). Why can't she just like what I tell her is cute.

2. If the weather continues like this, my hair is going to be curly for life.

3. Will my body ever grow taller? I know this is not likely to occur, but a girl can dream!

4. Often, on a summer's night, I think I wish I was 20 again!

5. Right now, I could use a jeanie to nod her head and make my house instantly clean!

6. My favorite summertime meal is baked beans and mac-n-cheese.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to being done cleaning my house, tomorrow my plans include sitting here with the AT&T man while he installs my AT&T Uverse, and Sunday is tomorrow, but I would also like to go swimming!


Wendy said...

What is UVerse?

AJ said...


Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

I hear it's your birthday--hope you have a great one!

MilkMaid said...

Happy Birthday! Wendy sent me.

Monogram Queen said...

Happy Birthday AJ! (here from Wendy)

Arlene said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AJ said...

Thanks Everybody!!! I am having a great day so far! I will post on it tomorrow or maybe later tonight!

Wendy said...

Do we have birthday pictures?